Now whether your idea of riding a bike is taking a weekend jaunt to Park St, stretching 10, 20, or 50+ miles on any given Saturday or making riding a lifestyle choice, there's a group in Alameda that will suit you perfectly. Bike Alameda is an amazing group dedicated to making bicycling an everyday part of life in Alameda. Team Alameda was formed to encourage cycling as an individual, family and community sport with weekly no drop rides ranging from Family rides around Alameda to long range local rides. Then there's Alameda Velo for those who train for cycling events throughout California and beyond.
So what's my point? As with cycling, Alameda is sure to have a group or organization dedicated to your interests. Not sure where to look, just phone or e-mail and I'll be happy to help you find them!
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If you're a first time home buyer or purchasing a newly built home you may still qualify for a tax credit if you purchase a home this year. California is offering a tax credit of 5% of the purchase price or $10,000, whichever is less, spread over 3 years. The credit is available for homes purchased between May 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011. In order to receive the credit, you must complete form 3549-A as instructed and return to the state within 2 weeks after close of escrow for a first time home buyer or when you've entered into an enforceable contract on a New Home.It is important to note, the state has placed a $100M cap on both of these credits, and the credits are issued on a first come first served basis. In other words, if you are a first time home buyer and purchase a home in November and the state has already issued and approved $100M in credits to others, you will not be able to utilize this offer. The state has already authorized over $50M in first time home buyer credits, so this program may not last much longer.
If you are considering taking advantage of either of these credits, please contact your tax preparer or the Franchise Tax Board at 888-792-4900 (press 1). As a Realtor it is important that I'm aware of these kinds of programs and pass the information along to others, but I am not a tax expert and strongly urge you to seek professional tax advice.
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This week we all had the opportunity to have our say about who we want to represent us and how we want our state to be run. As always, some my favorites won and others did not, but over all I'm pleased with the outcome.I have to admit, I look forward to voting. For one thing, it's one more way to share my opinion, and let's face it, I'm never short of opinions! But the thing I love the most is it's still a family affair at our house. Once the children were old enough to walk, they joined us at the polls. My son was 4 or 5 years old when Bill Clinton first ran for President. When I came home from work he couldn't wait to walk me to the polls. He'd been given strict instructions not to tell me the results before I voted - remember, back then we Californians knew the results before our polls closed! On our way home, I told him he could go ahead and tell me how we were doing. He ran to our neighbors yard and said "see that step, that's Bush, and see that one (pointing at the higher level), that's Bill Clinton!" He was absolutely beaming, another Democrat was born!
As they grew up they continued to be engaged with voting. We'd talk about candidates, discuss why I was voting certain ways on Measures and Propositions and then they'd join me in the voting booth and punch the card, draw the line or push the button so our statement could be made. So, just like the first time she voted, my daughter and I headed off to Lincoln Middle School on Tuesday to cast our votes. As a parent, it's a great feeling knowing you've raised concerned citizens who take their responsibility seriously. Though I must admit, I miss looking down and seeing my children looking up at me with pride in their eyes knowing they helped do something really important.
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Well, that's it for this week. I'll be holding 2034 Santa Clara Ave open on Sunday from 2-4. It's a a beautiful 4 bedroom home perfect for entertaining. Stop by and say Hi!
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