In real estate that's the goal. Whether the signing occurs at the beginning of a new deal when you're representing the sale of your client's home or the end of a culmination of work with your buyer as they make an offer on the home they're purchasing, getting the best terms in place and obtaining signatures on a contract is a key business goal.
It's also very exciting. The circumstances' surrounding a sale or purchase of a home is usually the result of a life change for your client. Sometimes it's the result of loss, but usually it's because you're representing someone who's reached a new stage in their life. However, getting those all important signatures can prove to be a challenge in and of its self, and quite often, very inefficient.
Technology certainly has helped. Initially the fax machine made a huge step forward. We could send and receive contracts over the phone, obtain signatures and move onto the next stage. However, it also created several problems. Machines would be busy or out of paper; pages would go missing or get jammed and need to be resent; the same document would be sent so many times it would be come illegible and a new set would have to be signed at closing. Then came scanning, a huge step forward. But your clients needed the capability to receive, print, rescan and return. Plus you often wound up with lengthy contracts having to be printed several times over as each party would prepare sign and resend. In either case, it can be very easy for missed signatures or initials to occur requiring a re-routing of the necessary pages.
Seriously, the final benefit of using DocuSign is the environmental savings. These days you can easily have 20-40 pages or more in a purchase contract. Even if you scan documents, the simplest of deals could result in a minimum of 3 sets printed out. Now apply that across the number of sales that occur (we'll ignore those that don't make it to escrow) and your easily talking about hundreds of thousands of pages each year.
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My father taught me my love for the Olympics, red wine, dark chocolate, mince meat pie, dry wit and my desire to be able to speak knowledgeably about anything I find interesting (okay, he may have overdone that one!)
So Happy 85th Birthday Daddy!! I love you very much!!
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